Originally Posted by Cricket2
I did post one or two responses on the long thread @ MDC in Q&S before it got locked. My user name is different over there, though, so you might not recognize me wink.
I've never joined MDC, but have followed the PTGC forum for some time. I've been stunned by the tone of those who felt the PTGC was elitist... and was even more surprised by the reaction of the Mods. They seem to be making the changes without any complaints from regular PTGC participants.

That behavior is one of the main reasons I've long preferred this site. It's not an elitist issue in any respect, but simply a question of comfort & familiarity.

Too bad for them if they "shun" the GT community like that. Imagine the uproar if they all of a sudden decided to toss out the SN or "lactivism" forums. The fireworks would be impressive.

As it stands, any thread that dares to question the PTGC forum decision(s) is promptly closed from comments. Sad, very sad.

Many thanks again for this community and the spirited debates that flourish without any wounded egos!

Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house. - Fran Lebowitz