I've also been following the events over on MDC. It makes me very sad. I find it particularly sad that one poster who is very new to MDC seems to have a vendetta against the parents who post in the gifted-child forum there. I had to stop looking because the hostility from that one poster in particular and from the moderators there was making me feel ill.

I really don't understand why people who don't need the gifted-child forum there are so angry about it. I don't use many of the groups there, but I would never dream of questioning their right to exist.

In a way, it reminds me of our current national uproar over healthcare. The loudest--and quite often, the most irrational--voices drown out all of the logical, thoughtful comments from people on either side of the issue.

That kind of anger just makes me ill, whatever the context. I keep hoping to grow a thicker skin, but I never seem to quite be able to do so, and I'm always surprised anew when it erupts. The giftedness issues at MDC just hit particularly close to home for me.