I'm sure that there is something else going on. I've been on MDC for quite some time and there was a similar big long thread when the PtGC forum came into being separate from the special needs forum. I've really never liked that we are not allowed to discuss what constitutes gifted, either, and (as I posted on the Q&S thread), it seems odd and arbitrary to moderate based upon a definition of what is and isn't related to being gifted without sharing that definition with the forum participants.

Apparently some the posts have been deemed more relevant to books, schooling, or the age of the child than the fact that s/he is gifted. I tend toward a broader definition wherein the child's giftedness can impact all aspects of her social and other functioning in the world. For one of my kids that has definitely been the case.

As someone else mentioned here, I do think that a lot of the complaints have been coming from people who take issue with the term gifted, with labeling children (although apparently not other special needs kids like those with ASD), and/or who have issues related to their experiences in GT programs as kids. The GATE programming I was in as a child in no way was adequate nor prepared me to learn how to work, but it didn't scar me either, so I guess that I don't have that hang-up.