I've mentioned this line over a dozen times... but it always seems to fit. In the Aug something 2007 issue of Time (maybe newsweek) - cover story on GT and obviously lots from the Davidsons... The author makes the following observation... we all don't think if we put out a hoop and practice hours on end that we will ever be Michael Jordon but when it comes to intellect and learning... we as a society are threatened and uncomfortable with the idea that we all aren't equal.

I am seriously considering a return to schooling myself for a doctorate in rhetoric. While it will have to fit the program/professors... I would LOVE to continue the research out their about our anti-intellectual culture. Specifically, if you even collect communications from schools and libraries how little there is in the way of praise for real accomplishments. The number of anti going back to school messages I've found this past week - even one in a public library one pager.

In the end, it isn't hopeless - I don't think much has changed in terms of gt dynamics in the last 30 years. one can only hope that a race for new energy or climate protection will be our sputnik (sp) and herald in a new time of rejoicing in another intellect. Until then, stay here. Who cares if new diapers make it possible for people not to potty train until their kids are 8 ;-)