Tolerance is only skin deep. Those who are different in fundamental ways are used as whipping boys to build group unity.

This sort of thing has made me wonder if in some places and at some times actually more resentment about giftedness has resulted from programs that are mostly addressing upper middle class bright kids for special treatment.
I think that there are many parents out there who find their personal self esteem by comparing their children to others. It is this type of parent who mucks up the water for the rest of us. They push their kids and love to play the one-up game.

We go to one of the best schools in our area so I see many of this type of parents. Once they found that my child was in the gifted program they wanted to know what math level she was on and how she scored on testing so they could compare their child's score to mine.
I just smile and say we did good and change the subject. I don't need to know what everyone else scored to be happy about my DD's results.