Originally Posted by Exo
Well Hi. Count me is an another migrating MDC'er.

One kind MDC mama pointed me over here to advocacy and what did I see over on the right hand side but this thread. wink

There are definite communication issues going on over there. The hesitancy to actually answer questions about the changes is perplexing and the cryptic responses that are given are very questionable.

I am testing the water by posting some threads in 'appropriate forums' while PTGC is down. I'm curious what would really happen if PTGC posters actually started posting elsewhere on MDC. I've been around long enough to know but am thinking that moderators and others have not.

The researcher in me is excited to see a direct comparison in responses to posts between forums if PTGC were to be re-opened.

In the meantime I enjoyed the wealth of information I perused here last night.


I'm half tempted to go into other forums and start bragging up my dds, but that would be sinking to low levels. I don't even brag about them on PTGC. I sure appreciate the forum for what I did use it for.

One of them was asking about the Harry Potter book series for my first grader - whether or not I should let her continue with HP #4 - it's a 6th grade reading level. I don't know many first graders independently reading 6th grade books - which starts to get into dark topics. I didn't think to ask in books because I wanted the advice of other moms who's gifted kids could read independently. So yeah, I was one of the threads about books and independent young readers that got moved and I was a bit surprised about it.

Very strange indeed.

But I'm grateful for the two specifically gifted forums I have found. I think I'm going to be happy in both places.

Last edited by Sciencemama; 08/12/09 03:31 PM.