I'm offline for a few days but just wanted to get the ball rolling here. We are at 17 out of 20 necessary families to apply for group status. (I understand there might be a few interested on the WTM board but am unsure there.) I spoke with Marie at EPGY by phone today so everything is good there. I will be forming the group under my homeschool. Invitations will go out to all families who express interest on the enrollment form. This will help keep numbers reasonable for the SSA's who will kindly be dedicating their time. I am told it is minimal once everything is up and running. What I will need from everyone is the parents name, zip code, email address, and the # of students you are interested in enrolling. I would also ask that you include your screen name so that I understand who is who for count purposes. Please make sure this information is PM'd to me so as not to compromise the online forums. Please realize that this information is being compiled and submitted to EPGY exactly as written. The form can be viewed at
http://epgy.stanford.edu/district/interestform.pdf When I get back next week I will review them and see where we are with the numbers and post a list of the screen names so that I know I have everyone. Thank you all for your time and especially your participation!