I completely agree with the folks who are telling you to get breaks. It is the direction of sanity for yourself. I also think it teaches your child to have confidence in herself and the world of which she is a part. When she goes off to school, she will have to trust adults other than you and you will have to trust those same adults. I would suggest that you can start preparing yourself in baby steps toward that now.

From the beginning, I wanted DS to know that the world is a good place and is filled with people who loved him and could take care of him. Of course, he would have a special bond with me, but I also wanted him to experience deeply the ways in which others loved and nurtured him. I did not want him to grow up afraid. I wanted him to be confident of himself and others (As he got older and able to hang out with people I hadn't chosen for him, we have taught him not to trust everyone, of course.)

Now that he is a teen, I see him wanting to stretch his wings more. Because I have several lives other than parenting him, I find that we both do better with letting go of each other as he does that. Of course we still fight etc. But he does not worry about how I will do without him and I know that I have taught him good skills that will serve him well. If my primary identity was as his mother, I think that this process would be harder.

I think, in the end, that making small steps toward independence for both of you will help you both out in the long run.