Grinity, thank you so much for the time you have taken to reply. I hope that what you have written are helping other parents (I am sure it is!) it is so much easier to do so on the computer than in real life. It turns out I can be quite honest about it all when I am typing...easy to sit behind a computer with cheeks blushing. Easier than right in front of you all anyways!

I should start by clarifying. I am not gifted. I am very average! I loved school, so much so that I became a teacher, with goals of spending the majority of my teaching career in a university setting. Math came easily to me, but everything came hard. Strangly enough, one of my degrees is an english degree. I have the worst english skills. At one point in highschool one of my teachers told me I was lacking in skills just as if I were ESL. Honestly I think it more about me not attending classes, and being so concerned about my social life rather than being about abilities...but I think even if I had gone to class and tried I still wouldn't have been that straight A student. After high school, I pretty much cut ties with all of my old friends. They didn't grow up. They kept living the same life we lived in high school (partying etc), and they still do today. I didn't fit in anymore. After I came home from University, I was so sad to discover that things were the exact same with them...I had hoped they had changed like I had. So, that led to my anti social behaviour (I didn't go at all anymore, and I had no friends!), and I think since I have been anti social for so long, I have just forgotten how to be social and now I am shy! Does that make some sort of sense?

I will say that i do have oversensitivites though and that has been with me always...even when I was "social", it was always an act. I was never comfortable at the parties...I would have much preferred to be at home with a couple of friends watching a movie, but it was all about being "cool". If only I could go back in time, i would have done things so differently...but that's life right!