See it isn't just me!!! I had my once a week shower today. smile And I guess all I am trying to say is no one is perfect and everyone has their own style of parenting and I think that is great. I was never the type to have a parenting book in my house. So I never read up on the techniques. I am just the type that does it and I am perfectly happy beating to my own drum. I do remember a few friends with older kids talking my ear off about attachment parenting and it just was not for me. Power to anyone that wants to do it but wasn't my thing. Would I call what I did as typical American style? Will if typical is having your baby in the swing for the first 4 mths because she hated the crib okay than I guess so. We just worked with our child and found out what worked best for her and us. And I guess I could play the second guessing game of did I do something wrong? But I look at my DD and she is a happy even temper child that goes to bed with no problems and I have to say if I did it wrong than I will willingly take it b/c I like my end product.

Now my friends tease me b/c I actually have books in the house b/c of the GT. When I said I was waiting to read this Ruf book they nearly died. You?!? with a reference book? The world must be coming to an end. Sarcasm runs deep with my little group!