You know Grinity, the style of parenting that you practise(d) is what is expected of us in my city. We are told to put our babes in our bed, wear a sling, breast feed no matter what etc. We are given so many stats about babies that are carried more, as opposed to put down. We are told that babies need skin to skin contact daily in order to form proper attachments etc etc.

I felt so guilty if I put dd down just to use the washroom (probably made it worse because of the fact that she would hyperventilate and practically make herself throw up if I put her down!). I just have such great respect for those parents that practised attachment parenting. I am sure your son is one is the perfect parent. It just isn't possible to be the perfect parent, but if you were tryign to practise attachment parenting...I believe that you did the best possible for your son!