Welcome back, raphael!

I do not take it for granted that I can simply "show up" at a place like this forum, articulate a multitude of questions, and get a range of helpful answers within hours.
In particular, I wish to reflect on the fact that a lot of the wisdoms that have been shared here, might have been not as easy to obtain in that abundance and diversity, not so long ago, as roaming around the Internet was not such commonplace. For some of you, it might have taken months, years or decades more, whilst I could basically open my laptop, write a few sentences, and immediately get such response. Therefore, I feel truly blessed, and I sincerely hope I will know how to be helpful here to anyone, from time to time and therefore perpetuate, and give back what I’ve received.
This especially resonated with me... as I had an exceptionally wise grandfather who shared many wonderful thoughts, experiences, analogies, and true-isms with me... and similar to gathering ideas from this forum... filled me with gratitude and an eye toward looking out for others along life's road, who may also be seeking a few thoughts from their elders.