It actually gets worse. He actually stoops lower.

He didn't answer my questions properly about the worksheet (which figures since, well, he's not the teacher and he probably doesn't even know what worksheet I am talking about). I responded with specific questions (an exact copy of my questions: "How long of a time spent observing his reading is necessary for a valid answer (one sitting? a week? a month?) Am I to turn this sheet in? When? Regarding the comprehension questions on the bottom of the page, some of those seem like questions I could ask DS, am I to record DS's answers? Where? Or just make a check mark that he did it? What kind of book am I to use? A fiction or non-fiction? Both? A chapter book? What about the questions pertaining to his classroom reading? Do I just skip those?") He responded with and I quote, "I will be happy to meet with you to answer your questions. I will invite Ms. Asst. Vice Principal to attend since she is an experienced Reading specialist. I will be happy to schedule a mutually convenient time to meet."

Talk about a new low. I can not make something like this up. I responded hastily and angrily - I know I should not have ... but I did I wrote, "while I appreciate your offer, you know as well as I that it is unnecessary and seems as though it is designed to harass. Just tell me or have Mrs. Teacher tell me what I am suppose to do. Thank you."

I cc'd everyone the entire iep team including the special ed director.

I wanted to add it's a shame an innocent child has to suffer because your ego is so fragile that can not step out of this pissing contest and for five seconds stop getting in the way of an innocent child's education to serve your own pathetic ego.

I am definitely calling the superintendent tomorrow.

I also emailed the iep team to add to the agenda for the upcoming meeting (principal had sent around an agenda) so I emailed to add to it... I wrote this: Mr. Dear Husband has an addition to the below IEP Agenda. He (and I) want to also discuss the mandate by Mr. Principal that we, DS's parents, are not permitted to have "any e-mail communication about DS's program at school" with DS's teachers directly and that "any e-mail communication about DS's program at school be directed only to [Mr. Principal]." We would like to discuss specifically how this type of situation is healthy or good for DS's success. We like to discuss the reasons behind such a mandate as all of our communications with DS's teachers (while not a great amount) are always respectful and pertinent. We realize and appreciate that Mr. Principal is concerned about teachers possibly inadvertently admitting to violating the IEP in their email communications. However, the way to solve that is not by creating obstacles to communication - it's solved by making sure the teachers are fully educated about the IEP and having a specific IEP so that everyone knows what they are suppose to be doing to be in compliance.

I am not sure if I were wrong or not but one thing I know is that they like to stick to their agenda and do not tolerate extraneous issues so I wanted to make sure we out it out there that this will be discussed at the meeting. I think I am going to go ahead and retain a lawyer... I may have to reschedule the meeting if the lawyer isn't free on such short notice. It is worth my mental health and my child's welfare I think to have a lawyer there to shut some of this crap down because I don't know how he can seriously maintain his composure and act like some of this stuff he is doing is okay. Personally I think he looks like a complete ass. Hopefully, I hear from advocate tomorrow.

I want to thank you all so much. I would seriously be lost without you all... I will do everything I can to help others here and I have been helped so much and really this is my only source of true support in this ordeal. This is awful.

Last edited by Irena; 04/18/13 08:18 PM.