It appears they are not crazy about involving attorneys.

I'll just bet they aren't.

Probably because they know darned good and well that this won't fly.

I'm still not keen on the idea that there be zero documentation trail re: any input from you/your DH on possible changes to IEP ahead of meetings.

That seems unwieldy to me, and it circumvents part of what they ought to want to have happening-- that is, tweaks and discussion and thought ahead of formal IEP meetings so that there is a 'team' working to produce solutions in an efficient manner.

Shouldn't the classroom teachers be a part of that IEP team??

Anyway. That, too, smacks of "we don't want any of this in writing," but maybe I'm missing something.

Glad that things are moving again. Stalemating is awful.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.