Originally Posted by aquinas
In reviewing this thread, I realized I still have Irena's old screen name included in my replies.

Out of respect for Irena's privacy, I propose the other posters in this thread (and others, if possible) go back and edit her old screen name out of their replies. I will do so momentarily. Or, perhaps a moderator could delete the back-posts to the series if this hasn't already been done.

Yes-- and please be aware that that previous username ALSO still appears in any quotes.

I would agree that this is a new low, but I've seen this waiver tactic before. It's slimy, for sure, but not new.

I agree that a briefing to OSERS would be excellent, however.

I also think that it probably IS time to involve the superintendent. Preferably with a semi-apologetic tone of; "ummmm... I know this is sort of ridiculous, but I don't see any other way to resolve this but to involve you. Sorry."

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.