Thanks ABQMom. We have ruled out the LD school - not only is it too far away but it doesn't really seem like they would be able to meet DD's needs.

I had another conversation with the admissions director from the 2E school and it really sounds like that is the way we will have to go. Try to anyway. Hopefully we can get the district to agree rather than ending up in a drawn out legal battle over it. I do not relish the idea of DD and I being separated from DH during the school week but I think it can be doable - especially since we will be close enough to come home on weekends. If we can't make the 2E school work we will then have to pump up the pressure on the district even higher - if that's even possible. I think the district WANTS to meet her needs. It is the really awful principal and finding a teacher who gets it that will be the stumbling blocks. Without those 2 pieces of the puzzle I think the neighborhood school is destined to fail. No way should DD be sacrificed to the ego of an unqualified principal. No way can we allow that to happen...