* hugs *

I understand and commiserate, and oh, if only we could schedule all our dramas to hit when we were rested, refreshed and at our best. I've been the professionally calm and collected mom and the utter melt down mom, and mostly it was just being so overwhelmed that calm mom had given up and was already digging in the freezer for more chocolate ice cream while she gladly gave in to melt down mom.

And you're probably seeing melt down mom on the horizon because now it is a bit safer to go into melt down mode. You've fought to get the changes that were so vital and now, in spite of the challenges that are still in front of you, you're also seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. So, dig in the freezer for some ice cream and let yourself have a mini pity party. You've earned it, and if you throw your own, you're more likely to get back to more energy faster than if you bottle it in and then finally melt down in grander scale,

And remember this: your daughter has you as a mom. Additional challenges or no, she'll still go through all the normal pre-teen angst and come out the other side - with your to help her through it.