Originally Posted by Pemberley
Today spec ed teacher brought up the possibility of putting DD into "prescriptive PE" in addition to all the other services. I think it is a good idea - between the dyspraxia and the working memory issues she can have a hard time keeping up and the other day when they did a team activity her team mates apparently made their displeasure known. Adding this and Assistive Technology to her already incredibly complex IEP? I think the writing is clearly on the wall about regular ed not working...

But it sounds as though it's not working only because this particular school has not wanted to make it work. Our kids have had some really spectacular levels of help in school at some points in their education, very tailored to their needs-- if the school wants to make it work, and the teacher is thoughtful and capable, and has the right resources, they can do it.

I don't want you to think complexity takes public school off the table. In our experience, it can be done-- IF the school is really interested in doing the right thing by your kid. If not, of course, well, you know as well as I.

Originally Posted by Pemberley
We have considered - very seriously considered - selling our house and relocating to a different school district. No guarantee that they will be able to meet her needs any better, though.

Does your advocate have any information about what other districts are like, locally? If you moved across a border, would that give you access to a public school that has a different level of commitment to kids with disabilities?

This is tough stuff. You'll figure it out-- you will know SO much more once you visit these places, observe in their classrooms, and talk with their principals.

Hang in there,