We moved. We sold our house and moved so that DS's commute would be shorter - he does about 45 minutes each way on the bus. He likes it. He has some friends on the bus who he talks to or he zones out after a busy day. However, without the bus - its about the same time - 30-45 minutes by car or public transportation but its a big commitment of mine or my husband's time. And at CollinsMum says, its rough when its just the one parent. We know parents who do it everyday though and just figure it out because what they get for it is worth it. In our case, its a school that while not truly challenging our DYS is pretty good enough - he is happy, we are happy - so the commute seems tolerable. If the school was not meeting 85% of his needs it would not be worth it. But you have to try it to find it out - and after having a bad placement - 85% is awesome.

I second DeeDee talk to the NYC school, at least see how rough it would be for you.

But for now - enjoy the hard fought achievement in compliance - they are finally doing what they are supposed to be doing and your DD is responding to that, this is worth some "me" time!
