I called the LD school today but the admissions director was not in. DH and I will try to visit next week. I haven't gotten a warm and fuzzy feeling from either their website or the person I spoke to today. The 2E school in NYC, though, I immediately felt comfortable. I guess I'll see what feeling I get in person.

Today spec ed teacher brought up the possibility of putting DD into "prescriptive PE" in addition to all the other services. I think it is a good idea - between the dyspraxia and the working memory issues she can have a hard time keeping up and the other day when they did a team activity her team mates apparently made their displeasure known. Adding this and Assistive Technology to her already incredibly complex IEP? I think the writing is clearly on the wall about regular ed not working...

I heard "off the record" from someone who I can be absolutely certain is reporting accurately that our district just recently agreed to place a kid at this LD school an hour away. They are not, however, providing transportation. My plan had been to argue that tuition plus transportation would cost them more than just paying for the 2E school in NYC. No way could I commit to driving 20 hours a week. No way is that reasonable. This other family could mean a carpool option but even so that is 10 hours a week for me driving and 10 for them. I had assumed DD would be doing the time on a school bus - probably not as good for her but at least *maybe* doable. The biggest problem is that she would have to leave home an hour and a half earlier in the morning than she is leaving now. That is HUGE. Not to mention 4 gallons of gas a day if I have to drive her myself...

We have considered - very seriously considered - selling our house and relocating to a different school district. No guarantee that they will be able to meet her needs any better, though. If we succeed in getting OOD placement we have to stay in our district. If we relocate our district won't have to pay and we would have to start all over wherever we relocate. So while the simple solution would be to move halfway and have DD and DH each travel 30 minutes it's not really practical. I can't really picture doing any HW on a bus or in the car unless it's audio books. Could work when she's older but now - with both dysgraphia and math disabilities - I can't see her using the time that way.