First of all, I admire your persistence and resilience in pursuing your daughter's education. You have gone above and beyond the point where most people would have just quit. Your daughter is so lucky to have you as a mom.

I don't have a lot to add beyond what others have said. I do think that you need to take a break from the books. I call this the "What to Expect" problem. I had one miscarriage before my first kid so when I got pregnant again I poured over the "What to Expect" book. My husband noticed that every time I opened that book I came away anxious about something that had never occurred to me (and ultimately ended up not coming to fruition). He finally convinced me to stop reading it. The rest of my pregnancy was much less stressful. I've had a similar experience with the 2e books. My brain found a way to see characteristics of almost every profile in the EIde's Misdiagnosed Child book in DD11. In my mind, her challenges became overwhelming and hopeless. I had to step back and just focus on one thing at a time because I just couldn't handle trying to address everything. So, I would skip the general info type of reading right now. If you have a specific question, by all means consult the books. Otherwise, you really don't need a parade of potential horribles right now.