I haven't read the whole thread, but I wanted to let you know that I am NLD-ish. It actually seems like it is even worse now than when I was a kid. There are a few areas of my life that have been quite affected; I am very bad with machines and tools and putting things together. My spatial abilities are very poor. My sense of direction is incredibly bad, and this is probably the worst part--basically a true disability. I have very bad face recognition, which can be embarrassing. I have never been athletic and am not very coordinated. Socially, though, I don't have any issues to speak of, or no more so than most other bright, intense people I know. I have hidden my problems very effectively and avoided my areas of challenge quite skillfully for most of my life. My husband and I had some conflicts for a while because he thought I was being lazy, was kidding him, or being avoidant until he realized that there are some things I really cannot do or find extremely hard that shouldn't be hard for someone of my intelligence.

My achievement in math was always far below my achievement in other subjects. However, it was okay. I did well enough on the SAT to get into some good schools and graduated from a very good liberal arts college. I have been moderately professionally successful. I do have some degree of math phobia, and regret that I did not pursue science, a real interest, due to fear of math.

All the same, while I do seem to recognize myself in NLD, I don't feel it's been a huge issue. This is not to say that your child's problems are insignificant--just wanted to give you that glimpse into a potential future.