Originally Posted by Pemberley
If we were willing to send her to an LD school it would probably be a fairly easy agreement to reach. We don't think an LD school is really appropriate, though, and the 2 available are each an hour away. No way can I see an 8 year old doing a 2 hour commute everyday.....
So any words of wisdom on whether or not a dedicated LD school has a chance of working? Anyone ever try that kind of commute with such a young child? Other thoughts?

I think you might need to go visit the LD schools, DD's test scores in hand, observe in their classrooms, and then have a heart to heart with the principal about your DD's needs and gifts. You will know-- trust yourself-- whether these would be workable.

Honestly, for some kids with interesting developmental issues, this kind of placement (where the targeted therapies are available) is great in elementary; one can then remediate the issues and learn workarounds to the extent possible, and bridge back to public with a stronger skill set. No placement is forever (especially true for a kid like yours or mine)-- you could invest a few years without making it a life commitment, IF the placement seems to truly have what DD needs.

The commute is certainly a downside, not to enter into lightly; again, you will know once you've looked closely whether it's worth the giant investment of time.

Is there an OOD public school closer by that has the particular resources you need? Sometimes that happens....
