We have had a very similar situation--Aspbergers, FSIQ 138, 11 years old. We pulled him out of our public school in April of last year because the fit was so poor and have been HS since. I too would love to find a school situation that works for him as I can see that his academic needs already stretch me! (He completed 2 academic years of math in about 2 1/2 months and is now working more than 2 years above grade level.)

Right now, I'm investigating a gifted school for him with mixed feelings. I really want a school that can cope with the behavioral side, however I found during our HSing thus far that when his academic needs are met, we have much, much fewer behavioral issues to deal with. Granted, at home he is not having to deal with other kids, sensory issues, etc. but a good academic fit is critical for my son. When he is bored, he acts out and is inattentive (wouldn't you be too!)but the Aspy traits are challenging for teachers who are unprepared or unequipped.

I wish I had a perfect solution for you. Right now we're of the mind that we just have to keep trying different things until we find the best fit--probably nothing will be perfect. (We've been in 2 different schools plus HS).

Good luck and please continue to keep us updated on your decisions.