My kids used to be very well behaved and cheerful for the sitter or at pre-K and then FALL APART with me! From what I read, that's common with kids. They know you love them no matter what, so they save up all their upset and dump it on mom. Not fun for mom, but a sign that a child is secure in the relationship with mom.

The worse the blow-up when home, the less happy the child is when away from mom. When DS7 started blowing up at school, too, I knew something was really not working.

If your DS understands what homeschooling is and wants to do it, that's a sign!

Before you take the plunge, how about writing up a contract about homeschooling with him (have him help make it up!) about behavioral expectations, his duties, his responsibility for his own education, etc.? Then you both sign it. Post the contract somewhere public and refer to it regularly.

Kids take that stuff seriously! I did this with my college students, and it worked well with them, too. I think a contract is a good way to make the expectations real to him and make him take you seriously as the boss.

One other thought: have you asked him why he has that reaction during a calm period when he's able to think and talk rationally? It might be worth a try...
