Well, it's not all day, so that would help. With a willing student, a couple/3 hours are enough to get in the academics. But you probably would need a little child care help with the baby at least. And sleep *is* useful for one trying to teach...

There is a sense of peace that often comes with homeschooling. Schedules can be made easier, mid-day naps are more possible if you need them, stuff like that.

But honestly, it would be tough to HS on no sleep. It *is* possible--I have a friend who did it with a newborn and a 9yo! She had just the two kids, but she was also writing a dissertation (!!!), so I'd say that's pretty comparable to your situation. She's very anal about stuff, so she just went on no sleep. It was NOT something I'd recommend. eek (But then I am a bear without sleep!)

Can your DH take a night here or there so you can sleep? Can you get a sitter for a couple of hours each day so you can nap? Something? How old is your baby now? Old enough to let him cry it out yet? (Sometimes that's a matter of survival for mom, I think!)

How self-motivated is your DS7? Would he do "homework" on his own while you were otherwise occupied, or would you have to stand over him the whole time?
