"If you're crying, you're doing it wrong."

Thanks, Kriston. That made me laugh.

What makes me think I could do this is that I used to be such a great parent for him. Until he started school.

NYC is an amazing place to raise a kid, we were out every day because he needed so much stimulation.

Montana, I have a baby too-- and a terrible sleeper.
And I work at night, I am "working" right now.

This is another reason homeschooling appeals to me-- because my dh and I both need to work, and can't afford a nanny, I have to work evenings and weekend mornings-- eroding my time with my 6yo. But is that an appropriate reason to homeschool?

To answer Dazey's question I am still on the fence, I promised his school I would put the idea of homeschooling aside for this year, but I'm still drawn to it!