Is he fighting doing homework with you? Or is this additional work you want to do with him? I found that by 1st grade after a HORRIBLE K year of learning nothing and being quite depressed, afterschooling dwindled to nothing. He was just too burnt out at the end of the day. It was all I could do to get him to do his homework. I really would not try to get him to do additional work if he's having a terrible time at school. I would ask him what he wants to learn about and facilitate him doing that. I've been reading a lot about various homeschooling philosophies and which one works best for my DS, now a 3rd grader. He's not a workbook kid. He wants to be doing, and discussing. He likes what history documentaries to go along w/ the history we are reading about. He is very conceptual and makes huge leaps in concepts but doesn't like the babysteps along the way. This was a very poor fit for public school. The pace was too slow.

Homeschooling is very different from when they are in school. Some try to give it a test drive during summer. I haven't seen where this works well b/c kids need that decompression time which can some times take most of the summer. I found by the time when DS was relaxed and happy and eager to learn again, it was time to go back to school.

Yes it is possible at only 6yrs old.....