Oh no... I don't think that I was just singled out. It seemed like at a few different points anyone who mentioned Christianity and the Bible specifically were told they were being too specific or evengelistic. I don't feel like I was the only one people got defensive toward. I just wanted to defend that as a whole. It wasn't just about me. I think some of the Bible talk was also because the child involved actually goes to a religous pre-school.. probably a biblical or christian one. It seem even more relevant than usual.

Part of my point, I guess, is that most people think that whitnessing means to try to Convert just like you said. But really it's just a matter of sharing what you've found, lovingly. The rest is up to GOd. one human cannot convert or change another. I don't think that's my place or anyone elses. So, by your definitions of trying to change people... that's not what I do. I just say what's on my mind! In my own faith I believe that's what I should do. And my comparison is that that's what we all do here and on other topics. THat should be okay.

Also, Materialism is a valid religion and is the base of other off-shoot religions. It is the belief that there is NOTHING but the material. No spiritual, no super-natural. It's also the starting point for stuff like the Matrix (some people believe this is all a dream coming from our material selves... in our dreams we can come up with spiritual stuff tha's not real but feels real to us in our dreams etc... etc...) So, all that to say my mentioning Materialism as a comparison to the beliefs of evangelical Christians ("eternal life through Jesus") was to show from one to another and all in between I don't see why we can't all talk about any and all of it. I think becuase one sounded prettier to you than the other it made you think I was being condescending about the one you didn't recognize... that's not at all the case. Hope that clarifies.

And, neato, when you said:

"When one persists in witnessing to another who has expressed that it is not their desire to be accepting of it, it ceases to be a loving gesture and indeed beomes a force of one's will"

It sounded like you were accusing someone... i don't know who neccessarily, maybe me, maybe someone.... of being forceful with their beliefs. It sounded like you were telling someone off like they had wronged someone. I don't think anyone was doing that. I thought everyone had done just fine. Also, you had mentioned people expressing it was not their desire to accept it. I never saw anyone say something like that or ask someone to stop saying something or anything like that. So, it seemed hyperdefencive of a non-issue.
Maybe your statement was hypothetical? It just seem accusatory and I thought that was a little rude because it seemed like everyone was giving and taking advice really well and then you singled out the suggestion of the Bible as bring "forcefull" and stuff. and I just didn't see that being the case.

And the "rude" comment was also in regards to saying there are probably some wonderful boards out there where that is respected and appreciated... I thought it seemed intollerant that one view point about how the Bible should be checked out when exploring spirituality was singled-out as something that should go somewhere else.

I would have no problem still talking with someone that suggested other books are a must-have when learning about religions. I wouldn't ask them to take it somewhere else.