My experience with DD9 is that we never had "THE conversation" about God but series of discussions as she asked questions. The key for me was to reconcile my own beliefs first, since it would be difficult to say much without really figuring it out for myself. I and many of my friends in my age group grew up in some sort of organized religion so our parents did very little talking, the church did it for them. We OTOH have not followed the organized religion route but still see value in spirituality . For us, those conversations are more difficult because there is no textbook to explain spirituality. I also talk about religion in a cultural context. I want my kids to be tolerant of others and part of that is learning about religion, customs and culture.

My advice would be to keep an open conversation. Sometimes I will answer a questions with "what do you think?" and DD has reasoned things out for herself. You can also check out age appropriate books at the library that would relate to your beliefs.
