When one persists in witnessing to another who has expressed that it is not their desire to be accepting of it, it ceases to be a loving gesture and indeed beomes a force of one's will and indeed, I could assert one is then placing one's will above God's will.

Brittany, you may have misinterpreted my point. God gave free will. That's a huge one, does it make more sense now?

I want to know where you are coming from, could you clarify this for me? :

So, for us to all be kind and tolerant to everyone here about every book that was offered up, every class, every religion, every view, every whitness, and then to single out someone that suggested the Bible -because of it's huge effect on the world, the fact that the kid mentioned will be greatly exposed to it, that a knowledge base from mom would be helpful, and it is something they've found valuable- is, frankly intolerant, and, okay.... I'll say it... rude

I just have an opinion, just like you. I don't think either of us are rude. Am I missing something? smile
