Originally Posted by Cookie
But he would absolutely hate a contrived leadership camp. A technology camp with 4 projects and leadership opportunities...great. A camp where you work on national history day projects with leadership or partnership skills as a benefit fine. Model UN, some sort of state government camp...all good.

I guess I think you need a real activity that you are passionate about and not just leadership as the camp focus...you won't be a leader at every activity or project.

Well, this is my "duh" moment! Cookie you are brilliant...and I should have thought this through. In hindsight, I should have seen this coming a mile away, if I would have really thought about the focus of the camp. Not that this excuses dd's complete shut down today, but if I would have been a smart Mom I could have saved her the grief. We obviously still need to work on what to do when life isn't going your way aspect of all of this, and that will be the lesson I take away.