Dramatic play?

My DD had very little interest in this. Sure--she would bang around in play kitchens, taking out pots and pans, putting them on the stove, or whatever, but she did not make up "stories" with any toys. She does not have ASD, she has ADHD and executive function issues. My other child, who seemed more stereotypically ASD with late speech, flapping hands, toe-walking, etc. (he has dyspraxia) would play with his Thomas trains at age 3 and yell Choo Choo and make them talk to each other. Of course he was "strange" in that he could recognize every train and say the train's name just by looking at the train's face. I had gotten about 100 trains from a garage sale and he knew all the names--to me they all looked practically the same (although he was never obsessive--I attribute it to something resembling a photographic memory).

I hope the eval gives you some good answers and information about how to proceed.