I received not one but TWO positive emails re: DS class performance this week! This shouldn't be noteworthy but since it's the first good report all year, will share a little:

"The past two weeks have been great regarding [DS'] mood, attitude, and participation. He has been more involved than he typically is, and he really has seemed happier and lighter lately. It has been cool to see."


"[DS] has shown a marked improvement in his work this week. He scored an 83% on the test, but also apted for correcting his wrong answers for half credit and finished with a 92%. He still interrupts, particularly when I am giving out instructions, but is getting the work done. Most of this and next week are hands-on labs, hopefully he can continue to get his work finished even when we are moving about the room."

Of course, his math teacher is still not impressed:

"Mood seems moderate. Blurting seems improved since his detention time. There are still occasional opinion statements regarding assignments and the wording on the assignments, his comments are typically snarky."

I'm going with gallows humor at this point. This is the best news I've had all year...after spending most of elementary with teachers who seemed bemused (not offended) by DS and his personality. I think the biggest difference is he is a very relational child and will only show (the best of) his true colors with kind, supportive people.

I think he is going to get Bs and Cs (and will be allowed to stay in program), based on current trajectory. And, of course, an A in Band. :P

Countdown: 2.5 days left of school. !!!!!!!!!