Cookie, it sounds similar but not exactly the same bc (as I recall) it wasn't about being interrupted, but seemed to be more like he'd have trouble with word-finding of lose his train of thought and have to start over. It's been a (long) while.

He also used to sorta "announce" when he needed to say or ask something. "I have a question" instead of just asking...or "I need to tell you something."

Strangely, I'd forgotten about most of these quirks.

I don't have a baby book or anything similar and have really no idea about most of his developmental milestones--except he did walk quite a bit later than my other two--that I remember.

I also remembered today that he used to wander off (actually once got out of the house early in the morning--and was returned by a neighbor--before I realized he wasn't in his bed--OMG).

I also used to tape balloons to the ceiling fan bc he loved watching it spin, that he lined up cars by color instead of playing with them, and also built elaborate, perfectly symmetrical, by color and shape, block structures when he was very young...

I wonder how many things I'll remember? smile Now I wish I'd kept some sort of baby book.