Originally Posted by indigo
Similarly, the common core ELA standards prescribe one half reading material be instructional text and only one half of reading material be literature (often excerpts or passages, not entire works). This standard is sure to lower vocabulary considered "college prep"... indicating that college/university courses may need to be less rigorous in their vocabulary expectations in order to provide access to new high school graduates under the common core.

None of this is actually factual. These are common misconceptions you see quoted on Facebook and in blogs that are myths.

The common core doesn't prescribe particular texts or particular passages to be read, and certainly doesn't suggest that students read only or mainly excerpts. The standards do contain SAMPLE texts which are excerpts, but these are meant only to help teachers better gauge the level of material indicated by particular standards.

Also, the ELA standards account for much of the dread "instructional text" to be read in non-ELA classes (like science or social studies).

Last edited by Aufilia; 04/16/14 09:40 PM.