Originally Posted by Bostonian
Are college students never going to encounter "obscure vocabulary words" in their reading?
Unfortunately, college students actually may not encounter "obscure vocabulary words", as some believe that college/university studies may be required to move down a bit to meet students who've completed common core standards.

For example, it has been indicated that for students who completed common core, college/university cannot administer placement tests and require non-credit remediation courses. This may be to the detriment of any students who "squeaked by".

Similarly, the common core ELA standards prescribe one half reading material be instructional text and only one half of reading material be literature (often excerpts or passages, not entire works). This standard is sure to lower vocabulary considered "college prep"... indicating that college/university courses may need to be less rigorous in their vocabulary expectations in order to provide access to new high school graduates under the common core.