Originally Posted by Bostonian
Originally Posted by Dude
I think we need a source for the statement on common core and pre-test placement in sub-100 level remedial courses before we debate on that too much. "It has been indicated" obscures the source, and often indicates an appeal to authority fallacy. This may be much ado about nothing.


It's worth stating that the use of sub-100 remedial courses is highly correlated with failure to attain a degree, so anything that reduces the use of such courses is a good thing. Realistically, they should not be needed by recent high school graduates, who should be graduating fully prepared for college.
American society is committed to the idea that almost everyone should graduate from high school, including people with IQs in the 80s and 90s, who are just as numerous as the people with IQs in the 100s and 110s. You can give someone with a 90 IQ a high school diploma, but you cannot make him "fully prepared for college", unless you remove serious intellectual demands from college work.


The fact that this attitude is now pervasive at College Board is perfectly odious. (Oh there I go again, using one of those words....)

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.