Originally Posted by intparent
I hate that they are getting rid of "...the SAT’s rarefied vocabulary words". That part of the SAT rewarded lifetime readers. It was quite difficult to prep for the CR section in a short period of time because if it -- you either have it or you don't. My kids and I all did very, very well on that section with no prep because we are avid readers. Hate that they are dumbing it down...


Because now, you see, all of the onus is on families/students to differentiate themselves from the hordes of coached 1600's which will follow.

Which is going to make the grooming/prepping frenzy even worse, I predict. {sigh}

Otherwise, what WILL institutions like Stanford, MIT, Harvard, etc. use to determine who is truly the best and brightest among candidates?

This isn't-- and has never really been about-- egalitarian ethos. I sure wish that K-12 education insiders and mover-shaker types would finally figure this out. No, not everyone is equally "able." Deal with it.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.