Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
Right-- the lifestyle that many 40+ yo adults recall from childhood was FAR more accessible then than it is now for most segments of the SES.

NOW, a "kinder, gentler" and more low-key approach is often just completely out of reach financially for parents who require two incomes. But childcare requirements and all the accoutrements of that lifestyle come as a package deal with all sorts of other influences that those parents might well choose differently-- if they COULD, that is.

Similarly, not all parents have the means for private schooling, or quiet, safe neighborhoods.

Yup. If I could I would home school but I can't so my kids get public school and day care. It is not ideal but it is life now. I should have emphasised i was a childof the70's in NZ so probably comparitive to the 50's in the US. And a lot of stuff has changed for the better just not that bit (although not having the option to work was pretty bad).

Last edited by puffin; 10/05/13 12:57 PM.