Originally Posted by Bostonian
According to this article, there are schools where the abuse of stimulants is widespread.
Thank you for sharing this article. While it is discouraging to learn of the widespread and ingrained nature of stimulant abuse, the implications may be far-reaching. For example, to the degree that stimulants are described as being the "culture" among wealthier families, might the abuse of controlled substances be part of the demographic "excellence gap" and the "achievement gap"?

Originally Posted by Bostonian
I wonder if there will someday be drug-testing for takers of standardized tests.

Time to begin adding legal notice to standardized tests, managing expectations as to what the consequences will be for those who test positive? For those with Rx, there may also need to be a signed waiver allowing access to review the student's Dx & Rx history.

At high schools across the United States, pressure over grades and competition for college admissions are encouraging students to abuse prescription stimulants, according to interviews with students, parents and doctors.

Sounds like the interviewed students, parents and doctors are looking for an easy out, as "pressure" does not necessarily encourage "abuse", it merely presents a circumstance which tests one's character, confidence, and ability. At best, pressure presents a temptation to cheat or game the system. Individuals acting in concert or alone still have choices.

Of the more than 200 students, school officials, parents and others contacted for this article, about 40 agreed to share their experiences. Most students spoke on the condition that they be identified by only a first or middle name, or not at all, out of concern for their college prospects or their school systems’ reputations — and their own... “It’s like it does your work for you,” said William, a recent graduate of the Birch Wathen Lenox School on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.
Looks like William might be identifiable by mention of his school... unless there are many Williams there?