Also-- fwtxmom's executive summary of the neurobiology and neuropharmacology is not entirely correct, nuanced, or complete-- from my perspective as a neuroscientist with a great deal of experience IN that particular dopaminergic system, I mean.

I don't want her to feel attacked, though-- and truthfully, her assertions are not nearly so inaccurate as many I've seen over the years--

so I'm keeping my mouth shut and not deconstructing the post. But I do want to be clear that my lack of response does NOT signify complete agreement with that summary.

I've posted it upstream and previously for those who are interested, though, and I'm not likely to change anyone's mind by belaboring the points.

(truly not trying to be hurtful or argumentative about this point)

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.