Thanks for all the stories. I can tell you for sure that Giftedness is in every neighborhood. My best friend in High School - clearly way gifted, with the smart-alexy personality to matc - his father was one of my favorite people in my small town, because he was self-educated and loved learning, although he had never been to college and worked a blue-collar job. The people I knew who had been to college were shallow by comparison, and not at all interested in books or learning, except as a means the an end. My friend's Dad explained to me that for some people who are denied an education, it only spurs them on to become self-educated, and value it all the more.

Later I went to college and has many interesting and 'deep' discussions, but none more interesting, deeper, or more valued than those with my friend and his dad sitting around their kitchen.

So although I am sad to say that there are some in my family who judge people by the years of educatioon, or financial success, I am happy to report that I was already not fooled by this mistaken notion back in high school.

Love and More Love,

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