Originally Posted by HowlerKarma

I'm still not keen on the idea that there be zero documentation trail re: any input from you/your DH on possible changes to IEP ahead of meetings.

That seems unwieldy to me, and it circumvents part of what they ought to want to have happening-- that is, tweaks and discussion and thought [i]ahead of
formal IEP meetings so that there is a 'team' working to produce solutions in an efficient manner.

Shouldn't the classroom teachers be a part of that IEP team??

Anyway. That, too, smacks of "we don't want any of this in writing," but maybe I'm missing something.

I absolutely agree. And we attorneys are big on documenting everything. It is drilled into is from day one - "put it in writing!" "Get it in writing" "Document, document, document." We document 3 minute phone conversations. We use email to file our court filings. This is a legal procedure and a legal document... there must be writings and documentation. It's preposterous that they think there will not be. And I do intend to continue to document and communicate via email... I do think there will be lull of problems for a while, once this IEP meeting is done and over, which will help. We just needed to tweak the scribing accommodation, discuss communication and making specials teachers aware of IEP and finalize the VT agreement. I am thinking now we need to put something in the IEP about weekly/daily communication regarding progress, etc in the IEP so this doesn't happen again. I did not think it was necessary before but now clearly it is. However, I know they will try to shut me down because that topic is not really on the IEP agenda. Maybe I will call an IEP meeting beginning of next year and get it in then. Or I am thinking I could sneak in under the agenda topic of "Communication with Special Area Teachers and Paraprofessionals regarding Ben's IEP." Either way I had better get it in there.

My plan is to get this all under control (get this iep mtg done and VT contract done) and take some time to get some referrals and interview with attorneys in the area and get a decent attorney to consult with on this. It's still cheaper to get some consultations, etc. And when the school pulls the whole "you're not allowed to put anything in writing" or anything like this again have them on hand to jump right in...