Originally Posted by Irena
I know people have suggested that avalanche with emails but I feel like this could hurt/backfire because my defense is this is completely unnecessary I do not barrage anyone with emails and they are always respectful. If I barrage with emails I am afraid it will look like I am really am a hinderance/crazy person to whomever this case ends up in front of and no wonder the principal decided to play go between

Correct. My feeling is that no matter how crazy they get, no matter how unjust their actions, you have to remain the most reasonable person in the room. Over the long term, remaining rational when everyone else is acting like fools gets you credibility all up and down the food chain.

Definitely, get people higher up involved in this, don't sign away any rights, get as much excellent outside help as you can afford; but be very cool in your actual dealings with all school, district, etc. personnel. You cannot let them make the case that you are a crazy person; that is hard to undo later.

BTDT. It will not be this way forever; one way or another, you will resolve it for your DC.
