Originally Posted by epoh
Is there another school in the same district he could transfer to? Sometimes you just need a change of scenery, as it were. If that's not an option, then it sounds like you need to fight. I'd start with the local school district - district coordinators, superintendent, school board, and if that doesn't get you what you need, then you move onto the state level.

Okay good plan. We just got the Special Ed Director for the district involved so that would be the district coordinator (I am optimistic about her). She will be at this next meeting. I'll see how it goes with her there and see what she can bring to this situation. Next step will be involving superintendent, I guess. And involving an attorney on this full-time. I just got word they are re-drafting the vision agreement presently and I should have it in enough time to review it with counsel prior to the meeting... so that is looking up.

Despite all of this, DS has had a great year overall and that makes all of what I am going through worth it. When things did start to deteriorate for him in the middle of the year, I was all over it relatively quickly and got it fixed. I have to deal with the fall-out of that (nasty side of principal) but DS is getting what he needs and is happy. He got great grades, he is pretty enthusiastic about school and learning, and has made several friends and seems happy. My fighting is worth it to see that him happy and doing well. I don't care what I have to go through as long as DS is protected and thriving. DS being able to attend school and thrive and be happy gives me the fortitude to keep on fighting to keep it that way. Maybe I will learn enough to start practicing this type of law in the process or become an advocate... hopefully there are a few silver linings in this.