"I've received an enormous amount of great advice and ideas for my DS, but I have to say the enlivening conversation has had a more positive effect on my concerns for my DS than anything else!"

@celit - I know my own DD (though I wish she were more disconnected sometimes) is very sensitive to how humorous - or anxious- I'm feeling and I'm very aware of it but it's a struggle to stay optomistic someimes, sometimes I feel like I would need to be a bit hysterically/non-authentically "up".

So what I'm trying to say is that I'm glad the responses have made you feel better or perhaps given you some sort of perspectice (I think that's why I keep coming back) and I bet your DS will feel the lift.

My DD is super VS and it's a very cool trait, I bet your DS is a neat kid. BYW I think a mom discussing bra issues with her son will make for a very sympathetic hubby for some girl out there someday : - ) LOL!