Originally Posted by celit
Advocating for my gifted 13-year-old son seems to have become a full-time job. Our school system does not have any gifted services except for 3rd, 4th and 5th grade and it is an enrichment one morning a week. My son is not allowed an IEP; there are GEP's for the gifted during the 3 years they are in the program. Regular classroom instruction is all that is available to us right now. No modifications.
That's too bad. I wonder whether it's worth seeking an evaluation for ASDs, assuming he hasn't had one? Even if he doesn't have a diagnosable ASd, it might help you to find tool shops for him - IRL friends whose I-think-HG+ son has Asperger's say he has benefited hugely from social skills group training, which I didn't know even existed, for example. And, played right, the knowledge that you were seeking an assessment might help the school see that you're taking your side seriously, and help them do the same.

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