Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
If the goal is to learn to communicate effectively with peers, then 'dumbing down' is definitely part and parcel of that.

I wouldn't dream of calling it "demeaning" or being "untrue to myself" if I used vastly simplified language and concepts to explain, say, the relationship between pressure and temperature in gases-- to a group of eight year olds.

KWIM? They are at a different place than I am with that material, on average, and therefore it's simply good communication skills for me to adjust to meet them rather than the other way around (which is obviously impossible).

I totally agree with this. It's not dumbing down, it's consideration for your audience. This involves perspective-taking, understanding what information and attitude your interlocutors are likely to have, which is a skill that some people have innately, but some people have to work very hard to develop.

We work hard with DS on how he comes across to others. My feeling is that this is not breaking his spirit, but rather increasing his ability to contribute meaningfully to society.
