I largely agree with Annette. I think that there are, also, community "rules" about what's acceptable - but these are subtle and vary a lot between communities, so this isn't always helpful. In the end, saying something positive about one's child practically always carries some risk of being interpreted as bragging. One just has to choose whether, and if so when, to take that risk.

A community where I particularly notice this - I mean, that different people have different, vehement, opinions about what's acceptable - is Mumsnet (where I lurk quite often, but don't post, partly because I'm aware of not really getting the social norms and have seen what happens to people who don't get them and post anyway!) Do a google search for
"stealth boasting" site:mumsnet.com
or if you're feeling really strong, for
"stealth boasting" gifted site:mumsnet.com

Last edited by ColinsMum; 02/09/12 02:50 AM. Reason: took out links which for some reason don't work

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